Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 18, 2011


I don't know why I feel so sad now . I have never been a story about this on anyone . Just me and God only knows . I have no time to 'reka-reka' this stories , but this is reality . My tears suddenly fell to the cheek . While I was online up , I go to her page . I don't know why my heart suddenly felt like want to go to her page . Look at all the pictures he is . I miss him . I longed to watch her , even from a far . I know I will never have it . I remember , the first time I saw her face . I have started choosing her . But , I did not dare to disbelief . Almost every day I can see her face . But now , I already could not see her smile . Astaghfirullah , why I could not hold back my tears to flow . I never like him . Haaa , I confessed my secret admire him . I've been telling my friends . I do not know whether they still remember or not about this .I miss you very well . I don't have time for a meeting with you and tell you the truth . The last time I saw you with a little girl . I'm so jealous because you are friendly with the girl . I went home , I wrote in my room wall , I hate you ! But in fact , I really love you . I didn't want to thank my crew already left for good . If I could draw in time , I will come to you , I will put aside my embarrassment and I will tell you , I love you . But all is not going to happen . Everything was too late , i hope i can meet you for the last time . hmm kbaii . assalamualaikum :/

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